In 1997, when the Cuban authorities were contemplating the entrance into the vacation real estate market, Mr. Stephen A. Marshall, president of various International marketing companies and several companies in Cuba, was contracted by CIMEX Corporation to establish a strategy for International marketing of Cuban vacation properties. Today, as Cuba concentrates on larger projects such as Hotels, office blocks, restaurants and commercial warehousing, this alliance has matured, allowing us to gain an immense amount of knowledge in all aspects of Real Estate Investment on the island.
Our team has successfully completed various investments and has also sold property resulting from these projects. Our legal team will walk you through any legal aspects associated with your future investment.
Our Holding company also owns a local import company to allow importation
of materials and equipment Zealous Holdings S.A., a nationally registered
travel agency www.gocubaplus.com
to assist VIP investors with travel and visit logistics and a communication
and IT company www.digitalpanorama.net.
We organize all meetings and presentations to the selected Cuban partner
and, follow up daily on the progress of each investment or request. We
have grown to know our clients and investors, many of which visit Cuba
infrequently, allowing us to represent there interests until fruition
and approval of there project. Our team includes long standing specialists
in the Cuban real estate sector, attorneys and a sales and marketing division.
Contact us on request@realestatecuba.com
and we will advise you upon the viability of your project and also provide
an estimate for our services both short and long term.
Copyright. 2000-2004. All rights reserved.
REALESTATECUBA.COM information... request@realestatecuba.com